What is this?

Night Watch Toronto is an interactive event where you portray characters physically and an exercise in collaborative storytelling, sometimes called larping, or live action roleplaying. After answering a few questions, you will be sent a sheet that is the basics of a character, and you will be the one to turn that character into a person. At an event, you will dress and act as your character, but what that means is entirely up to you! If you get stuck or have questions, the organizers are available to help.

What type of larp is this?

This larp is influenced by a number of game traditions from North America and Europe: blackbox, freeform, and chamber larp, amongst others. As characters and story are often created specifically for the players, some call this ‘bespoke’ larp. Aims and ideals typical for this type of game include immersion (feeling as if you are ‘really there’), collaboration (creating a story and experience communally), and artistic vision. We want our players to build our story with us and each other before the larp, through the workshops, and during the evening of play.

Is this larp for me?

This larp is for fans of the Night Watch series, fans of the supernatural genre, people who love police procedurals, and anyone who would like to create a great story with a group of like-minded people. This larp is also for people who enjoy simple game systems and story over stats.

Is there an age limit?

At this venue, anyone under 19 will have to be accompanied by a legal guardian.

Is this larp a safe(r) space?

We want to provide a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of race, colour, sex, disability, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, age, physical appearance, or body size. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. Players asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. Players violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the event without a refund at the discretion of the event organizers. Read more about harassment in this Safer Larping package from Finland.

The larp also uses a number of consent and safety mechanics, workshopped before the beginning of play.

What themes or topics are off-limits?

No physical or magical torture or sexual assault are permitted in this game. Non-consensual mind magic is not allowed unless requested by the recipient, i.e. “It would be interesting if your character tried to read my mind in this scene” or “I relent to your character manipulating my surface emotions in this scene.” Though physical and magical violence is permitted, it must be consented to, and negotiated. If you choose to act out physical violence, do so slowly, and pay attention to your other player’s physical and verbal cues.

Can I attend the larp and skip the workshop or debrief?

Workshops are mandatory, debriefs are encouraged. If a player becomes emotionally or physically unwell, they may opt-out, but otherwise, consider these aspects part of the larp.

How does magic work in Night Watch?

For Night Watch Toronto, we do not use dice or any other resolution mechanics for magic. Magic is consent-based. You describe what you plan to do and how your character would create it. Depending on the type of Other you play, this may involve verbal invocation, hand gestures, use of a wand or other focus, meditation, the destruction of amulets or other objects, etcetera. Create play for others as much as you can with your magic use. If your magic is directed toward another character, the player decides what happens: whether the magic succeeds, fails, or has an unintended consequence on them.

What if I want to make sure a magic effect works?

You must obtain consent from the other players in the scene. We will workshop how to do consent negotiations before the larp.

Will there be food and drink available?

Our location, b current studio, does not have food and drink but we will be bringing in some snacks and drinks. The Stop’s Farmers’ Market and The Stop’s Market Cafe is open every Saturday from 8 AM – 12:30 PM at Wychwood Barns, just before our larp. The nearest restaurants are at Christie and St. Clair, about a 5-minute walk.

Is the location fully accessible?

Yes, there is an elevator to the second floor.

Is there parking?

The nearest parking lot is at 700 St. Clair Ave. W.

How can I pay?

Pay via PayPay or e-transfer to paypal.me/winchesters or nicandgaryw@gmail.com.

Are there NPC roles available?

We may have a limited number of roles available. Please let us know if you’re interested.

Do you need help with organizing/set design/running workshops/etcetera?

We’d love to add folks to the team! Please get in touch and let us know how you want to help.